Girls Night Out was such a success this Friday! We really got some good information about how to live a disciplined life, in every way. In our relationships, conduct, communication, self-esteem, ect. All of the ladies were quite funny, interactive and open-minded. Although I was the teacher/moderator on Friday, I learned a lot and I was challenged to continue to live up to what I taught! There is, very much, room for improvement. I hope you will go through this lesson and start living in a disciplined way.
Go here to download or read Friday's presentation: http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B5DSfL3qA95mNjdjZjM2MGUtZjJjNS00NDU2LWE4NjgtYWJmMWRkOWYxNTAw&hl
P.S. I will be posting videos from GNO next week. Also, feel free to join us for the next GNO. I will post more info soon :)