Friday, November 18, 2011

A Wake Up Call (for iLoveCharity)

This week as I was washing my car, it hit me how many things I take for granted because they are so readily available to me. Because I am lauching my charity organization, iLoveCharity, this Christmas to raise money for clean water for Ethiopia, I'll discuss my thoughts from the persopective of water.

So, I'm washing the car, spreading a thick layer of soapy water onto the dirty paint, and I decide to leave te hose on. At first, it was a unconscious decision. But after realizing the hose was on, I decided I didn't  FEEL like turning it off.

Almost immediately after I had decided to waste water, the thing people die from a lack of everyday, I began to think of how I take my clean drinking water, bath water, shampoo water, shower water, and carwash water for granted.

Think about this: even the poorest people in America have access to clean water. But, in developing nations, even if you have a place to call home, there is a good chance you don't have clean water to bathe or cook with.

I didn't go on a guilt trip or anything when I thought of these things. Instead, I decided to change my perspective and stand up even more for the cause of iLoveCharity.

I realized, after I finished washing the car, that the water left in the bucket was not much dirtier than what babies and toddlers have to drink everyday...then face the prospect of death from the filth in the water.

So, this Chrstmas, please join me and iLoveCharity as we raise $5,000 to help bring clean water to Ethiopia. We can't do everything, but we can do something!

I hope you will consider parterning with us to donate @

With Love,


ILoveCharity Christmas Concert
12.17.11 @ 6 pm
City of Hope @ The Energy Center, Columbia, Md

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our Wedding Website

Check out me and Devin's wedding website, guys! This is also my first digital "design" project :)



Ashley Marie

Monday, June 20, 2011

Mandisa's "Stronger"

Please listen in and be encouraged that everything you are facing at this moment is for purpose. God doesn't get the glory when we can deliver ourselves. He get's the glory when, after we have been tried, we come forth as pure gold, ready to handle allll the many blessings He had prepared for us before time began. My friend, you will not sink as long as you hold on to God, His promises and principles. I just got happy for you becase your future is soooo bright!!! Trust in the Lord, always. He will NEVER fail you.

Check out Psalm 27:13-14 and Phillipians 4:13
And now, here's "Stronger" by Mandisa :)

Handpicked by God

I have not posted an original blog in quite some time now. But, this blog from Proverbs 31 Ministries blessed me, literally to tears. This is for females and males of all ages, stages, seasons and levels of maturity. Find rest as you understand that God has greatness in store for YOU! This is true no matter what troubles surround you. Take note that David lived, even though Saul sought, greatly, to take his life. We are overcomers!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Independent Learning Solutions, Here to Inspire YOU!

Hey Everyone! I just want to share a wonderful opportunity for students of all ages. I have recently launched my business, Independent Learning Solutions. We are a learning organization that specializes in private tutoring in reading, writing and public speaking. We also offer editing services and edits coaching. For more information, or to register, email us at ILS looks forward to inspiring you!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Engaged and Growing Up

So, I was just thinking how time has flown between my childhood and now. Things were so simple when I was little--and I didn't have care in the world. Now that I am engaged and moving into one of the biggest decisions of my life, it's hard not to remember the days when I had no clue how much it takes to survive in this dark world. On the same token, though, I am elated and thrilled to be engaged to Devin Gray (, the love of my life. I absolutely know that whatever we face, as long as we are together, the world is no match for us :) Yes, it's hard to grow up and let the past go. Yet, it's very refreshing to see all of God's plans unfold before my eyes. And like my mother says, "you either get old or die young." Without a doubt, I choose the former and I know amazing days are ahead of me.

Here's a song I love by Taylor Swift that mirrors my thoughts as of late. It's beautiful!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Human" Natalie Grant and Jordin Sparks 2010 Dove Award

I just loved this song's message and arrangement.

Monday, March 7, 2011

We (Still) Need Friends & They Need Us

If the biggest problem you have with a friend is the fact that they need you, then that is no problem at all. At the most basic level, we all are needy. Yet, God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit have never abandoned us. In fact, they are friends who stick closer than any brother. What then is our excuse for disregarding the second greatest commandment? Is it because it's uncomfortable? Was Christ's death on the cross comfortable? I think not! How will we answer to God in the end?

What are friends for and why have we estranged ourselves from them? This is pretty rhetorical. But, the culture has made it easy for us to be friendless...almost without ever realizing it...

I posted these two statuses on my FB page a few weeks back and I couldn't shake thinking about how true the statements are.
The culture has completely altered and misconstrued the way in which we view friendship. The change in how we view friendship seems to be directly affected by our communication, or lack thereof, with those whom we call friend. Due to the ever changing culture, we can keep in touch with a friend without ever going out with them or talking to them. All we have to do is text, FB, tweet or blog to find out what's going on.While all this is convenient, and great, we need not forget about the power of a hug or a listening ear or time spent together. The value of these actions are priceless. We don't have to do it all the time because we have legitimate responsibilities. But, people like to feel they matter. Our friends happen to be people, and the closest ones to us. Many times, since we know they are there, we take them for granted. We don't think twice about how necessary they are.
Unless a big problem surfaces, it can be easy to forget how much we need friends (and how much they need us) with all the hustle and bustle of life. I don't recommend we try to be best friends with the world--which would be utterly exhausting. However, I do believe that the 2 or 3 (or more) close friends that were strategically placed in our lives should be cherished, loved, valued, appreciated, and acknowledged with the most valuable commodity there is. Time. Yes, there does seem to be a shortage of it. But, I am finding out more and more that we, sometimes, have more time than we know what to do with.
Filling our lives with responsibilities and activities will cause us to wake up one day and realize that we have no one to share our achievements and blessings with. In some cases, we will almost feel justified for not caring for our true freinds because we post a FB stat  announcing our accomplishment, which will guarantee at least 50 "congratulations" comments from people who we rarely ever see. I love using FB. Thus, I am not saying they are the culprits behind this virtually friendless generation. We are the culprits. 
It is important that we affirm our friends by allowing them a place in our lives, not only our hearts. It is important to build strong connections with those who we know are willing to support us, and we them. Friendship is not for the faint of heart. It requires selflessness and loyalty and the ability for those engaged in the relationship to adapt to changing dynamics.
The bottom line for me, though, is that friendship was created by God. Thus, we must still need friends...and, yes, they must still need us. I am thankful for all my friends, near and far!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

I really don't have that much to say. I just wanted to come say hello and Happy New Year to all my wonderful supporters, fellow bloggers, and friends!

I'm sitting here watching TV with my sister Amber and my bestii Dev. They have forced me to stomach Real Housewives of Alanta. Ugh! I'd so rather watch My Fair Wedding with David Tutera. I totally and completely watch My Fair Wedding for enjoyment, not ideas (contrary to popular belief lol). David Tutera could do my wedding any day, however. Any connects? : D

Moving right along. I am so thrilled that this is a new year. I am determined to be a DOER! I don't want to get caught in the rut of ,"I'll get to it," or "I should do this." I want to work hard and live on procrastination. Time waits for NO (wo)man. I know if you decide to live on purpose, you will have a fabulously successful year as well :)

Love you guys! Stay positive...By the way, follow my baby sister on Twitter. She posts wonderfully positive tweets. Positivity_101.

Happy New Year!