Mark 8:34-35 AMP states:
34 And Jesus called [to Him] the throng with His disciples and said to them, If anyone intends to come after Me, let him deny himself [forget, ignore, disown, and [o]lose sight of himself and his own interests] and take up his cross, and [[p]joining Me as a disciple and siding with My party] follow [q]with Me [continually, cleaving steadfastly to Me].
35 For whoever wants to save his [[r]higher, spiritual, eternal] life, will lose it [the [s]lower, natural, temporal life [t]which is lived only on earth]; and whoever gives up his life [which is lived only on earth] for My sake and the Gospel's will save it [his [u]higher, spiritual life [v]in the eternal kingdom of God].
I was playing the piano and worshipping just a few minutes ago and this scripture came back to my remembrance. I was challenged to remember who I am living for, who I worship and why. The cross represents our purpose and our walk with Christ. It gets hard sometimes and we want to give in, lay the cross down for a second. But, Jesus clearly states in another passage of scripture that the person who will not take up their cross is not worthy of Him. How could he make such a statement? He could say this because we are servants. Think about this. Are servants in any house ever greater, more important, or more powerful than the master? The answer is no. Therefore, it is not for us to decide to put our crosses down when we tire of our circumstances. If Jesus had to carry a cross, a very literal cross, on his back, how much more should we be willing to endure for the cause of Christ with no physical crosses to carry?
You really are stronger than you think you are. How do I know this? 1 John 4:4 clearly tells says you, "have overcome...because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." Recall the passion that you had for Christ 3, 6, even 12 months ago. You were carrying a cross then, (and with joy) right? What has changed? Are you still reading your word? Have you neglecteded to fast lately? Have your relationships become distractions? Have you fallen into a routine of complaining? Are you drained and stressed from challenges and frustrations?
Take inventory of your life, and you will come to figure out at what point you sat your cross down. Some of us are still carrying our crosses; though each minute that goes by could be the point where we finally give in and walk away from the cross. What a miserable existence we have without the cross that we are destined to carry. The cross represents our purpose. Jesus didn't carry a cross for his health. He was on his way somewhere to do something that would change something. It's the same with you. Your cross means something. Hold on to it with all you is your lifeline.

Words of encouragement and truth for this generation from one who takes responsibility for the revival of it. Help me give water to the world. Log on to for more information. #ilovecharity2011 Chronicles of experiences and consequent lessons learned that will, hopefully, challenge other young women to live like the Q.U.E.E.N.S. they are, and young men to live like the kings they were created to be.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Come and Be Free!!!
So, I sing with a group called Devin Gray and Set Apart. (SURPRISE!!! More about these guys later!) We are a Christian worship ministry and we are reaching out to this generation. If that includes you (and I know it does) we would like you to come worship with us! On July 17, 2010 we are hosting FREEDOM: A Night of Worship. Admission is free! Please see the flyer and watch the video for all the details or visit Hope to see ya there!
He Knows the Plans He Has for You!
As of exactly one month (and a day) ago I became an alumna of Bowie State University! I am thoroughly relieved and proud that I was able to obtain the grace, and mental capacity, to finish school. The last two years were quite challenging for me. It wasn't necessarily the work (until the last semester), but just that my relationship with God was being tried. Sometimes it seemed as if my responsibilites and stresses were going to overtake me. In those times, though, I simply turned to God and asked for HIS wisdom for school work, money for gas, books, or whatever my need was, and patience to finish all of the tasks He had given me. Whoo! It was tough but I am so much stronger than I was before!
So maybe you feel overwhelmed with the things you have going on in your life. I challenge you, go to God. He truly hears you and cares about you. The Bible tellls us in Hebrews 4:15-16 (and I am paraphrasing) that Jesus himself felt every feeling, temptation, frustration, and heartache that we feel today. Remember, He was fully human at the time He was walking the Earth. He was holy, sanctified, and sinless. Yet, He still had to deal with the day-to-day humanly things we deal with. The Bible goes on to say that we can come boldly to God in the time of trouble and find grace and mercy to help us in our times of need. Take that advice! You don't have to say some fancy prayer. Just ask God for help as if your were talking to your mom or best friend. God cares for you in the same way, and even more, than they do. God is anything you need Him to be...considering it is a part of His character :)
Back to my main point lolol! So, I've graduated and I was happy...or at least for a few hours I was. Basically the spirit of fear and doubt and just overall concern for my future began to oppress me. Not to mention, I was about to have a birthday. And I was like, "OMG I am getting old!" But like my mother always says, "You can live to be old , or die young." So I chose the latter. Anyway, it was just hard to digest everything that was happening. The world's rules tell us that we go to college to get a job and support a family, for whom we provide super nice things. All this, in the failing economy that CNN reminds us of like EVERY 30 MINUTES! lol. I am not coming against CNN because they will probably be offering me a job someday :) My point is this: the world says one thing, but the Kingdom says another. Yes, the Bible says if we don't work, we don't eat. But, if the rules for college graduates barely works for the unsaved person, what makes me think that it would work for me?
The struggle for me was trusting God. I was the book worm all my life. I found solice and feelings of productivity and pride when I was in school. All of a sudden that was taken away and I began to question my purpose. "Hello, Ashley?!" I said to myself like 2 weeks after graduation, "Is school your destiny and identity? Or is God in charge of showing you where you ought to be and who you are?" I obviously had an answer to my question (or else I would not be writing this post lol). Let's go to the Word (That's surely where I ran to when I couldn't quite pull myself together. So I came out of that depressed state. And let me tell you, that is not a good place to be. Allowing emotions to overtake you steals your joy, your praise and worship to God and just your patience to keep living.). The Word says this in Jeremiah 29:11 AMP:
"For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans of welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome."
So God says not to worry about our futures because He already knows the plans He has for us. And get this, they are not plans to harm us (even though we feel faint and like we are going to die). They are plans of peace and thoughts that give us hope for our final outcome! Wow! That blesses me. To know that where I m right now, is not my FINAL outcome. How do I know this? Because I am still living! When David was feeling overwhelmed and like he was going to die, he spoke to himself and said, " I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord" (Psalm 118:17). What works was he talking about? God bringing him into his final outcome, purpose, and destination! He would live to give his will I. And as you will also.
I know that I am getting in a little deep with this. But, stick with me. Because no matter how young you are, you have the power to speak encouraging words to yourself. The encouragement you need is not always going to come from a friend or family member. That's why it is important to read the Bible so that we will know what God says to us, and about us, in times of trouble. This, however, is another topic for another day :)
Even though I am in no better shape than I was right after I graduated, my faith in God has increased tremedously! I have been able to use this time off to get to know Him and hear Him. If I were working somewhere or just being busy, I don't think I would be as close to God as I am now. So, consider this, when you feel like you ar getting left behind in life, maybe God is trying to get your attention. He likes to talk to us and get to know us...if we will give him the time of day (also another topic for another day :) When we compare our lives and progress to that of others, it is tiring!
See, God has given each of us our own path to trod, our own race to run. Think about it. Wouldn't it be rough trying to run a 5K race for yourself and a friend in the same day, and at the same time? Yes! That's 10K. But, in actuality, it would be impossible to run the race for yourself and another person at the same time because YOU are YOU. Not two people. What I am saying is this, stop comparing your progress, personality, strengths, weaknesses, financial status, ownership of a car, everyone else. It will kill your self esteem and make you feel like a failure. If you are saved and are living holy and obediently before God, YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH! Keep at it. Don't give up!
The bottom line is this, no matter what the companies say about job qualifications, no matter what colleges say about acceptance requirements, no matter what boyfriend dumps you, no matter what girlfriend cheats, no matter what your past sins are, no matter how many people in your family have never gone to school, no matter how many people in your family have had children out of wedlock, etc... You get the picture. Whatever odds SEEM to be against you, know this, "the steps of a good man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step]" (Psalm 37:23 AMP). Pay close attention to which words are capitalized. It tells you who the scripture is referring to. In short, when you please God, He occupies His time ordering your steps. Making sure He leads you in the right direction. Wheew! Isn't that a HUGE weight off your shoulders? That you don't have to plan your every step. You only have to listen and follow your heart and God will lead you. It's like being the passenger in a car. You aren't, and don't have to be, in control. It's up to the driver to get you where you need to go. Great stuff! God is in control.
So remember these points:
1. God is ALL you need Him to be in your times of trouble. I have learned that He is Jehovah Jireh (The God who Provides).
2. He has a specific plan for each of our lives. Don't compare your progress that of others. Comparing will just discourage you because you werent created to walk their path.
3. Don't allow the rules of the world to make you fear. God owns the world and He can make ways for you to get to your final outcome!
4. God delights in your purpose. He will reveal it in due time! Just relax and enjoy the ride :)
Love You All. Be Encouraged! And know that someone is praying for you!
P.S. If you want me to address a specific topic. Please comment. I am here for YOU!!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

OMG! It has been theeee longest time since I have posted anything! How is everyone doing?! I hope you are well :) There are many reasons for my M.I.A.-ness; some good, some not so good. But, everything is working for my good (Romans 8:28)! I have a lot to share in the next several posts. And I am really hoping that they encourage you and let you know that EVERYTHING is working together for your good as well. Basically, God has a plan for each of us and we can't see the end result. You just have to trust Him...this comes from working towards your own personal relationship with Christ. I hope that giving you tidbits of my experiences these last three months offers a good example of how to trust God during rough times. You aren't too young! Um, duuuh, young people have issues too! And they go beyond what the news portrays (ie. shootings, bombings, etc..) We have struggles that just come with life. Trust me! I know! I may have just had my 22nd birthday, but I am still young. Wink, wink lol.
This post isn't going to be very specific (I don't think lol). I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I truly missed writing. It was just hard to muster up the extra strength most times. But, I am back and stronger than ever! I am coming to realize the true beauty of God. How he loves me so much and bears my burdens. Like, I've dealt with so much stress, yall don't know! But God is beautiful enough to care for me.
Psalms 139:17,18 says, "How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them. If I could count them, they would be more in number than the sand..." Do you know what this means? God is ALWAYS thinking of me and YOU! No matter how lonely, dirty, angry, wounded, confused, broken, or forgotten we may feel,it is important to remember that YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN! The heart of God is just beautiful that way; that He is always thinking of us...even when we aren't paying him a lick of attention.
You know what else? YOU are made in God's image. That means that you are beatiful as well; just like Psalm 139:14 says. (Go check it out...I can't give ALL the answers away lol.) So no matter how worn, stressed, or un-pretty (or un-handsome) you may feel, I speak to your self-esteem and say that you are beautiful. This isn't based solely on my opinion. God says that you are made in his image and likeness (Genesis 1:26). So, basically, it's etched in stone--better yet in eternity's book--that you are BEAUTIFUL. So even if I decided to change my mind, or your boyfriend, or your mother, father, sister, best friend, or girlfriend decided to change their minds about how attractive or intelligent or fashionable or kind you are, it wouldn't matter. In real life, what God says is ALL that matters. He created you and no one else. Thus, no one else's opinion changes who you are (unless you allow it).
So, the next time you feel down, stressed, or maybe ugly or stained, remember:
1. Everything is working together for your good. You have a purpose and a destiny.
2. You are made in God's image so you are precious to him. If you created something, a song, painting, technological invention, a dance, or a novel, wouldn't you want to protect it because it's valuable to you? Well, God, our creator, is the same way. He values you and wants to protect you and see you succeed.
3. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! YES! YOU!!! Get that in your head. It is not vanity because beauty is first a condition of the heart. Build yourself up!
In fact, the lyrics to the song I am singing in the picture above this post are:
Beautiful, Beautiful to me
You are...Beautiful.
That's God talking to me. Or me talking to God. Either way, this song helps me realize that I am affirmed by God; and Him alone.
Love and Blessings!
P.S. If there are any topics you would like me to address, feel free to leave a comment on this post. I really am here for YOU! Thanks!!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Girls Night Out Chat

Girls Night Out was such a success this Friday! We really got some good information about how to live a disciplined life, in every way. In our relationships, conduct, communication, self-esteem, ect. All of the ladies were quite funny, interactive and open-minded. Although I was the teacher/moderator on Friday, I learned a lot and I was challenged to continue to live up to what I taught! There is, very much, room for improvement. I hope you will go through this lesson and start living in a disciplined way.
Go here to download or read Friday's presentation:
P.S. I will be posting videos from GNO next week. Also, feel free to join us for the next GNO. I will post more info soon :)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Girls Night Out

Hello Q.U.E.E.N.S.!!
So, I am really excited for Girls Night Out at my church tomorrow night. It's basically where we come together to discuss what it means to be Christian ladies and how to overcome obstacles and struggles. It's a really laid back atmosphere that makes it comfortable for us girls to talk openly, ask questions, get advice, etc...
Tomorrow night is special because it is the first time I will be speaking at Girls Night Out. The topic is "So You Got Out of Bed. What Next?: Discipline, The Key to Success." Discipline should not be looked at in a negative light. I think there is a stigma on the word! It should not be! Discipline is really something that helps us accomplish our dreams and goals. Who wouldn't want that kind of help?! lol.
Just a sneak peak into the next blog. I am going to be writng about the discipline it takes to rid ourselves of insecurities! I will upload the next post by 3/7/10.
Have a blessed day!
Love ya,
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Why Esther?

So, I know you are like, "Why did she choose Esther to name her blog after?" Esther has, as of the last 3 years, intrigued me. She embodies everything I believe a queen should in this modern day. She was wise, obedient, strong, submitted, smart, and full of faith, among other character traits. I know I will continue to use the term queen rather loosely; as, in my mind, it is not a word that implies superiority in the sense of socioeconomic status. I really believe that being a queen is much work that begins inwardly and overflows into one's actions.
I must admit that I have been influenced by One Night With the King in formulating what I believe it means to be a queen. Although this depiction of Esther is partly fictional, I think the producers, directors and actors did a great job of relaying a pertinent message to our generation.
Esther is an excellent example of how we as young women, and young men, should rise above conformity; unless it is conformity to the word and will of God. I challenge you to read the entire book of Esther because it proves that non-conformity is the way in which we will lead others to salvation. It is the way in which we will stand out as Q.U.E.E.N.S. And to all the males who happen to read this, you are to embody this acronym as well. It is simply a challenge that I am issuing out for us (male and female), the children of God to be bold and stand out!
Last thing (because I cannot forget that I am a college student with tons of reading to due. Aaaah!...So, I must be retiring soon (omg, that was so reminiscent of old-english lol. I digress...). I said that I would expound upon the acronym.
"Q" is for Quintessential. This means, "the pure and concentrated essence of a substance; the most perfect embodiment of something." Um, wake up call people! lol. We are to be the embodiment of Christ because he dwells in us and gives us purpose. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God should be CONCENTRATED in us. Like, we should be giving off the strong, unmistakable odor, the sweet smelling savor of the anointing which attracts the WORLD! (Notice I did not say the church. Selah.)
"U" is for Unblemished. We are to present our bodies as living sacrifices, HOLY and acceptable to God because we are servants of the kingdom. We are not to be spotted and stained by the world. But God calls for a spotless sacrifice. Not to say that we are perfect, but we are to strive daily for perfection because we do not lust after the flesh. We hunger after righteousness!
"E" is for Examples. 2 Corinthians 3:2 says that our lives are to be epistles, letters, written on the hearts of men. In other words, our actions should testify DAILY to the truth the we speak about and sing about in church on Sundays. We are to be examples who make lasting impressions on those we come in contact with.
"E" is for Exellence. Colossians 3:23 tells us that we should do everything with excellence because we are living our lives as unto God. Seriously, do you think anyone is going to want to serve the Lord with gladness if you are sleeping on the job, flunking every class, treating your family like anything, or dibbling and dabbling in the world and the church? Like, duuuuh! Definitely not! N-O spells NO! Okay, you get the picture. Let's be excellent. And if you can't do all things as unto the Lord, perhaps you shouldn't be doing some of them anyway. Next!
"N" is short for AND I totally couldn't find a word to go there. It just lets you know that something is coming up next, I presume lol. Sooo, waait for it...patience is a virtue people! lol
"S" is for Success There are so many scriptures that speak of success in the Bible. However, my fav is found in Proverbs 3:3-4. It tells us that as we obey God and keep his commandments near and dear to our hearts, we will find favor in the sight of God and man. God-favor is not like anyone elses favor because he owns the place (Earth) and he can do, like, whatever he wants. So, the key to success is obedience. Simple as that. As we seek God's kingdom (his reigning principles, his purpose) success will be added to us in all kinds of ways!!!!
If no one's told you today, I love you and so does Jesus!
Be Blessed!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Snow Days & North Carolina

Hey there everyone! First let me apologize for taking this long to write a new post. I am really going to do better. I will blog at least once a week. You have my word :)
Anywho, a lot has transpired in the last 10 days, which just reminds me that time flies and I should make the most of every second. I have been praying and focusing on making the most of the short time I have here on earth. Think about it. The average person has, maybe, seven-and-a-half decades of life on earth. Now, compare that to an eternity. Those 70 years pale in comparison to an eternity of life in heaven or hell. I am making heaven my home, but I want to do everything I can to make God proud of me before I see him. Seriously, I want to love more sincerely, give more freely, be a better, friend, daughter, sister, and witness! I want to be driven and reach for the dreams I know God has given me. Soooo much to do and sooooo little time! Matthew chapter 6 puts this all in perspective for us. It tells us not to worry about what tomorrow will bring, but to put God and his agenda first. When we do this, He will take care of everyting else we need.
Believe it, or not, I did not even mean to write that lol. Back to the topic at hand. It has been snowing like crazy in Maryland since the Friday before last. Boy, has this last week-and-a-half been a time of character building! Like, I hate shoveling snow. It is my least favorite thing to do during the winter months. However, we got about 3 feet of snow, total, and I had no choice but to join the fam and shovel our very long driveway. Ugh!!! Although I did not want to do it, it is important to note that I chose not to complain about it. I simply wanted to get the job done and be diligent. I learned a lot about myself that I would not have learned if it had not been for the snow. Unexpected experiences in our life really show us what we are made of. If we could predict everything that would happen to us, we would be prepared and know what it would take to muster up a brave face, patience, kind words, whatever we would need to make it through a situation. But because we do not run our lives, we don't know it all. Thus, life experiences, essentially, are a test of character; letting us know how far we come and how far we have to go.
Being snowed in the house for such a long time reminded me of how great my family is, albeit trying at times, and how much I want the best for each of them. :) It reminded me of how important it is to maintain my prayer, word, and worship life even if I have a busy schedule. The snow challenged me to not be lazy and to finish my homework, email musicians, research new praise and worship music, and so on, before the last minute. I learned a lot about myself in the quiet moments of being home and not doing anything at all. I think all of us should take time, regularly, to do some "introspective inventory." Basically, get to know yourself. Your strengths, weaknesses, habits, emotional tendencies, spiritual stability ect...It is important for us to know who we are so that we can look into God's word and see if it measures up. And if at any time we see that we are lacking, then the "introspective inventory" has helped us. It is at this time we can move forward; letting go of all that baggage I talked about in the first post. I also appreciated the snow because it gave me a much needed break from school. I have been in school since August, guys! Non-stop!!! Can you believe it?! lol.
After the snow passed this Thursday, I went to North Carolina with one of the worship groups I sing with. Rotoya Williams and The True Worship Experience Movement. (Check us out on Facebook or Youtube. I will post videos of us from time to time.) We are on tour and we traveled to Greensboro this weekend for a Christian confernce for college students. It was truly a blessing! I don't have very much to say about this except that, it is important for us to be involved on our campuses or schools or churches with our youth groups. When we are around people who are going in the same direction we are, whether it be academically, spiritually, athletically, whatever, it eliminates a lot of distractions and creates a support system with accountability. So, if you are one of those people who like to sit on the sidelines and not get involved because of shyness or fear, don't be! Being active in a group of believers can tranform your life and cause you to be a light to others. It was amazing to be in a church full of Christian people my age. There is something empowering about unity. If you don't know of any youth groups find a local church you feel lead to attend that has a youth group. Do some research about on-campus Christian organizations at your school. Do whatever it takes! Get involved!
The Bottom Line:
-Remember to do some introspective inventory.
-When we know who we are at the moment, we can properly prepare to become someone better in the Q.U.E.E.N.S.(will elaborate soon)!
-Get involved in a youth group! You don't have to walk this out alone! Get a support system of Christian brothers and sisters.
-Remember, unexpected experiences occur so that we will know what we are made of. When something unexpected and inconvenient happens think, W.W.J.D.? Seriously, it works and you will be proud of your reaction :)
If no one told you today, Jesus loves you, and so do I!
Have an introspective day!
If you want to ask me questions or you want to discuss something I have written that you don't understand. Feel free to post a comment. Yes, you have to make an account. But the right answer to the question you have been asking all your life could save your life.
Here is a promotional clip for Rotoya Williams and the True Worship Experience. Just so you'll know who I am, I am singing a solo part in one of the clips. Enjoy :)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Brooke Fraser: My All-Time Favorite Artist
I really enjoy Brooke Fraser. I've never been as enthralled with an artist as I am with her. I love what she stands for, her ability to turn words into pictures that have global impact. She is very talented and I learn so much by listening and watching her. Enjoy! This song is called Shadowfeet.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Let the Light In!

Hey everybody. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm so excited that I have finally started because I have wanted to do this for a while. So one night, at like midnight, I just stopped what I was doing and made an account. I got tired of saying, "I'm going to do it. I'll get to it when I can. Okaaay, next week on Wednesday the 15th at 8 p.m. I'm going to set it up." Ugh! It just got old lol. Word to the wise, procrastination is a thief of time! Just do it!
Anyway, I'm glad that I chose to finally start blogging because I really think that we, as people, are more similar than we are different. Yes, we have different personalities and ways and methods of doing things, etc... However, I have found that when we are open and honest and share our struggles (the good, the bad, and the ugly)we can help each other. The same goes for our triumphs. Those stories help others too.
So, speaking of sharing...I was thinking the other day, after a conversation with my dad, how I beat myself up after I make a mistake. I hate it! I mean, there have been times when I go on for days thinking about that mistake and saying, "man, if only I had done this differently, that wouldn't have happened." Everyone else could have forgotten about the mistake, and is going on living their lives not thinking about me lol. But really, most of the time, no else knows about the mistake. Just me, myself, and God. And even He had forgotten about it too. In the end, it was just me replaying the mistake over and over in my mind. Have you ever done this? Isn't it tiring? Yes! I know it is. Guilt, shame, and feelings of failure are burdens!!!
We all make mistakes. We all have (or at least have had) struggles in an area or two. And whether we are young or old, there is a God who is willing to forget about our downfalls as long as we repent and sincerely make an effort to walk in His way. There was a woman in the Bible (John 8:1-11) who was caught in the act of adultery. The people who caught her in the act of idolatry were anxious to stone her to death. However, Jesus challenged these individuals by saying (and I paraphrase), "If you have never sinned, feel free to stone her." One by one, these people walked away, knowing that they had no right to stone this woman.
This passage let's me know that when I fall Jesus is right there to pick me up, dust me off, and help me walk in the way I know I should. The way I actually wanted to walk before I stumbled. Jesus is merciful and he loves and accepts us. All we have to do is come. There is grace (help, hope, healing) for the person who sincerly wants to change and be rid of guilt, shame,defeat,emptiness, and unfulfillment because of struggles and behaviors, whatever the case may be. I am telling this to you who know Christ and you who don't know Jesus Christ. Don't beat yourself up. Jesus died so you wouldn't have to feel like you are dying on earth. He came to give us life more abundantly.
The bottom line is this. If you fall, don't stay down. That's no way to live. Rise up and let the light in! It's not too late. Ever.
If no one told you today, Jesus loves you, and so do I!
Have a great day!
Go to to view the story of the woman people wanted to stone. John 8:1-11 (The Message Bible is excellent for understanding this scripture)
If you want to ask me questions or you want to discuss something I have written that you don't understand. Feel free to post a comment. Yes, you have to make an account. But the right answer to the question you have been asking all your life could save your life.
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