Hey everybody. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm so excited that I have finally started because I have wanted to do this for a while. So one night, at like midnight, I just stopped what I was doing and made an account. I got tired of saying, "I'm going to do it. I'll get to it when I can. Okaaay, next week on Wednesday the 15th at 8 p.m. I'm going to set it up." Ugh! It just got old lol. Word to the wise, procrastination is a thief of time! Just do it!
Anyway, I'm glad that I chose to finally start blogging because I really think that we, as people, are more similar than we are different. Yes, we have different personalities and ways and methods of doing things, etc... However, I have found that when we are open and honest and share our struggles (the good, the bad, and the ugly)we can help each other. The same goes for our triumphs. Those stories help others too.
So, speaking of sharing...I was thinking the other day, after a conversation with my dad, how I beat myself up after I make a mistake. I hate it! I mean, there have been times when I go on for days thinking about that mistake and saying, "man, if only I had done this differently, that wouldn't have happened." Everyone else could have forgotten about the mistake, and is going on living their lives not thinking about me lol. But really, most of the time, no else knows about the mistake. Just me, myself, and God. And even He had forgotten about it too. In the end, it was just me replaying the mistake over and over in my mind. Have you ever done this? Isn't it tiring? Yes! I know it is. Guilt, shame, and feelings of failure are burdens!!!
We all make mistakes. We all have (or at least have had) struggles in an area or two. And whether we are young or old, there is a God who is willing to forget about our downfalls as long as we repent and sincerely make an effort to walk in His way. There was a woman in the Bible (John 8:1-11) who was caught in the act of adultery. The people who caught her in the act of idolatry were anxious to stone her to death. However, Jesus challenged these individuals by saying (and I paraphrase), "If you have never sinned, feel free to stone her." One by one, these people walked away, knowing that they had no right to stone this woman.
This passage let's me know that when I fall Jesus is right there to pick me up, dust me off, and help me walk in the way I know I should. The way I actually wanted to walk before I stumbled. Jesus is merciful and he loves and accepts us. All we have to do is come. There is grace (help, hope, healing) for the person who sincerly wants to change and be rid of guilt, shame,defeat,emptiness, and unfulfillment because of struggles and behaviors, whatever the case may be. I am telling this to you who know Christ and you who don't know Jesus Christ. Don't beat yourself up. Jesus died so you wouldn't have to feel like you are dying on earth. He came to give us life more abundantly.
The bottom line is this. If you fall, don't stay down. That's no way to live. Rise up and let the light in! It's not too late. Ever.
If no one told you today, Jesus loves you, and so do I!
Have a great day!
Go to http://bibleresources.bible.com/passagesearchresults.php?passage1=John+8&passage2=&passage3=&passage4=&passage5=&version1=65&version2=0&version3=0&version4=0&version5=0&Submit.x=41&Submit.y=9 to view the story of the woman people wanted to stone. John 8:1-11 (The Message Bible is excellent for understanding this scripture)
If you want to ask me questions or you want to discuss something I have written that you don't understand. Feel free to post a comment. Yes, you have to make an account. But the right answer to the question you have been asking all your life could save your life.
You are absolutely right about Christ picking us up when we fall short, restoring us and giving us the grace to continue to run the race that's set before us. This was a wonderful reading and I pray that God continues to give you much wisdom and insight. I love you much and miss you.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Kita :-)