Hey there everyone! First let me apologize for taking this long to write a new post. I am really going to do better. I will blog at least once a week. You have my word :)
Anywho, a lot has transpired in the last 10 days, which just reminds me that time flies and I should make the most of every second. I have been praying and focusing on making the most of the short time I have here on earth. Think about it. The average person has, maybe, seven-and-a-half decades of life on earth. Now, compare that to an eternity. Those 70 years pale in comparison to an eternity of life in heaven or hell. I am making heaven my home, but I want to do everything I can to make God proud of me before I see him. Seriously, I want to love more sincerely, give more freely, be a better, friend, daughter, sister, and witness! I want to be driven and reach for the dreams I know God has given me. Soooo much to do and sooooo little time! Matthew chapter 6 puts this all in perspective for us. It tells us not to worry about what tomorrow will bring, but to put God and his agenda first. When we do this, He will take care of everyting else we need.
Believe it, or not, I did not even mean to write that lol. Back to the topic at hand. It has been snowing like crazy in Maryland since the Friday before last. Boy, has this last week-and-a-half been a time of character building! Like, I hate shoveling snow. It is my least favorite thing to do during the winter months. However, we got about 3 feet of snow, total, and I had no choice but to join the fam and shovel our very long driveway. Ugh!!! Although I did not want to do it, it is important to note that I chose not to complain about it. I simply wanted to get the job done and be diligent. I learned a lot about myself that I would not have learned if it had not been for the snow. Unexpected experiences in our life really show us what we are made of. If we could predict everything that would happen to us, we would be prepared and know what it would take to muster up a brave face, patience, kind words, whatever we would need to make it through a situation. But because we do not run our lives, we don't know it all. Thus, life experiences, essentially, are a test of character; letting us know how far we come and how far we have to go.
Being snowed in the house for such a long time reminded me of how great my family is, albeit trying at times, and how much I want the best for each of them. :) It reminded me of how important it is to maintain my prayer, word, and worship life even if I have a busy schedule. The snow challenged me to not be lazy and to finish my homework, email musicians, research new praise and worship music, and so on, before the last minute. I learned a lot about myself in the quiet moments of being home and not doing anything at all. I think all of us should take time, regularly, to do some "introspective inventory." Basically, get to know yourself. Your strengths, weaknesses, habits, emotional tendencies, spiritual stability ect...It is important for us to know who we are so that we can look into God's word and see if it measures up. And if at any time we see that we are lacking, then the "introspective inventory" has helped us. It is at this time we can move forward; letting go of all that baggage I talked about in the first post. I also appreciated the snow because it gave me a much needed break from school. I have been in school since August, guys! Non-stop!!! Can you believe it?! lol.
After the snow passed this Thursday, I went to North Carolina with one of the worship groups I sing with. Rotoya Williams and The True Worship Experience Movement. (Check us out on Facebook or Youtube. I will post videos of us from time to time.) We are on tour and we traveled to Greensboro this weekend for a Christian confernce for college students. It was truly a blessing! I don't have very much to say about this except that, it is important for us to be involved on our campuses or schools or churches with our youth groups. When we are around people who are going in the same direction we are, whether it be academically, spiritually, athletically, whatever, it eliminates a lot of distractions and creates a support system with accountability. So, if you are one of those people who like to sit on the sidelines and not get involved because of shyness or fear, don't be! Being active in a group of believers can tranform your life and cause you to be a light to others. It was amazing to be in a church full of Christian people my age. There is something empowering about unity. If you don't know of any youth groups find a local church you feel lead to attend that has a youth group. Do some research about on-campus Christian organizations at your school. Do whatever it takes! Get involved!
The Bottom Line:
-Remember to do some introspective inventory.
-When we know who we are at the moment, we can properly prepare to become someone better in the future...like Q.U.E.E.N.S.(will elaborate soon)!
-Get involved in a youth group! You don't have to walk this out alone! Get a support system of Christian brothers and sisters.
-Remember, unexpected experiences occur so that we will know what we are made of. When something unexpected and inconvenient happens think, W.W.J.D.? Seriously, it works and you will be proud of your reaction :)
If no one told you today, Jesus loves you, and so do I!
Have an introspective day!
If you want to ask me questions or you want to discuss something I have written that you don't understand. Feel free to post a comment. Yes, you have to make an account. But the right answer to the question you have been asking all your life could save your life.
Here is a promotional clip for Rotoya Williams and the True Worship Experience. Just so you'll know who I am, I am singing a solo part in one of the clips. Enjoy :)
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