So, I know you are like, "Why did she choose Esther to name her blog after?" Esther has, as of the last 3 years, intrigued me. She embodies everything I believe a queen should in this modern day. She was wise, obedient, strong, submitted, smart, and full of faith, among other character traits. I know I will continue to use the term queen rather loosely; as, in my mind, it is not a word that implies superiority in the sense of socioeconomic status. I really believe that being a queen is much work that begins inwardly and overflows into one's actions.
I must admit that I have been influenced by One Night With the King in formulating what I believe it means to be a queen. Although this depiction of Esther is partly fictional, I think the producers, directors and actors did a great job of relaying a pertinent message to our generation.
Esther is an excellent example of how we as young women, and young men, should rise above conformity; unless it is conformity to the word and will of God. I challenge you to read the entire book of Esther because it proves that non-conformity is the way in which we will lead others to salvation. It is the way in which we will stand out as Q.U.E.E.N.S. And to all the males who happen to read this, you are to embody this acronym as well. It is simply a challenge that I am issuing out for us (male and female), the children of God to be bold and stand out!
Last thing (because I cannot forget that I am a college student with tons of reading to due. Aaaah!...So, I must be retiring soon (omg, that was so reminiscent of old-english lol. I digress...). I said that I would expound upon the acronym.
"Q" is for Quintessential. This means, "the pure and concentrated essence of a substance; the most perfect embodiment of something." Um, wake up call people! lol. We are to be the embodiment of Christ because he dwells in us and gives us purpose. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God should be CONCENTRATED in us. Like, we should be giving off the strong, unmistakable odor, the sweet smelling savor of the anointing which attracts the WORLD! (Notice I did not say the church. Selah.)
"U" is for Unblemished. We are to present our bodies as living sacrifices, HOLY and acceptable to God because we are servants of the kingdom. We are not to be spotted and stained by the world. But God calls for a spotless sacrifice. Not to say that we are perfect, but we are to strive daily for perfection because we do not lust after the flesh. We hunger after righteousness!
"E" is for Examples. 2 Corinthians 3:2 says that our lives are to be epistles, letters, written on the hearts of men. In other words, our actions should testify DAILY to the truth the we speak about and sing about in church on Sundays. We are to be examples who make lasting impressions on those we come in contact with.
"E" is for Exellence. Colossians 3:23 tells us that we should do everything with excellence because we are living our lives as unto God. Seriously, do you think anyone is going to want to serve the Lord with gladness if you are sleeping on the job, flunking every class, treating your family like anything, or dibbling and dabbling in the world and the church? Like, duuuuh! Definitely not! N-O spells NO! Okay, you get the picture. Let's be excellent. And if you can't do all things as unto the Lord, perhaps you shouldn't be doing some of them anyway. Next!
"N" is short for AND I totally couldn't find a word to go there. It just lets you know that something is coming up next, I presume lol. Sooo, waait for it...patience is a virtue people! lol
"S" is for Success There are so many scriptures that speak of success in the Bible. However, my fav is found in Proverbs 3:3-4. It tells us that as we obey God and keep his commandments near and dear to our hearts, we will find favor in the sight of God and man. God-favor is not like anyone elses favor because he owns the place (Earth) and he can do, like, whatever he wants. So, the key to success is obedience. Simple as that. As we seek God's kingdom (his reigning principles, his purpose) success will be added to us in all kinds of ways!!!!
If no one's told you today, I love you and so does Jesus!
Be Blessed!