Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Engaged and Growing Up

So, I was just thinking how time has flown between my childhood and now. Things were so simple when I was little--and I didn't have care in the world. Now that I am engaged and moving into one of the biggest decisions of my life, it's hard not to remember the days when I had no clue how much it takes to survive in this dark world. On the same token, though, I am elated and thrilled to be engaged to Devin Gray (, the love of my life. I absolutely know that whatever we face, as long as we are together, the world is no match for us :) Yes, it's hard to grow up and let the past go. Yet, it's very refreshing to see all of God's plans unfold before my eyes. And like my mother says, "you either get old or die young." Without a doubt, I choose the former and I know amazing days are ahead of me.

Here's a song I love by Taylor Swift that mirrors my thoughts as of late. It's beautiful!

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