Monday, March 7, 2011

We (Still) Need Friends & They Need Us

If the biggest problem you have with a friend is the fact that they need you, then that is no problem at all. At the most basic level, we all are needy. Yet, God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit have never abandoned us. In fact, they are friends who stick closer than any brother. What then is our excuse for disregarding the second greatest commandment? Is it because it's uncomfortable? Was Christ's death on the cross comfortable? I think not! How will we answer to God in the end?

What are friends for and why have we estranged ourselves from them? This is pretty rhetorical. But, the culture has made it easy for us to be friendless...almost without ever realizing it...

I posted these two statuses on my FB page a few weeks back and I couldn't shake thinking about how true the statements are.
The culture has completely altered and misconstrued the way in which we view friendship. The change in how we view friendship seems to be directly affected by our communication, or lack thereof, with those whom we call friend. Due to the ever changing culture, we can keep in touch with a friend without ever going out with them or talking to them. All we have to do is text, FB, tweet or blog to find out what's going on.While all this is convenient, and great, we need not forget about the power of a hug or a listening ear or time spent together. The value of these actions are priceless. We don't have to do it all the time because we have legitimate responsibilities. But, people like to feel they matter. Our friends happen to be people, and the closest ones to us. Many times, since we know they are there, we take them for granted. We don't think twice about how necessary they are.
Unless a big problem surfaces, it can be easy to forget how much we need friends (and how much they need us) with all the hustle and bustle of life. I don't recommend we try to be best friends with the world--which would be utterly exhausting. However, I do believe that the 2 or 3 (or more) close friends that were strategically placed in our lives should be cherished, loved, valued, appreciated, and acknowledged with the most valuable commodity there is. Time. Yes, there does seem to be a shortage of it. But, I am finding out more and more that we, sometimes, have more time than we know what to do with.
Filling our lives with responsibilities and activities will cause us to wake up one day and realize that we have no one to share our achievements and blessings with. In some cases, we will almost feel justified for not caring for our true freinds because we post a FB stat  announcing our accomplishment, which will guarantee at least 50 "congratulations" comments from people who we rarely ever see. I love using FB. Thus, I am not saying they are the culprits behind this virtually friendless generation. We are the culprits. 
It is important that we affirm our friends by allowing them a place in our lives, not only our hearts. It is important to build strong connections with those who we know are willing to support us, and we them. Friendship is not for the faint of heart. It requires selflessness and loyalty and the ability for those engaged in the relationship to adapt to changing dynamics.
The bottom line for me, though, is that friendship was created by God. Thus, we must still need friends...and, yes, they must still need us. I am thankful for all my friends, near and far!!!

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